q&a.pngDear ISS RANEPA international students!

In early June, we plan to arrange a Q&A Session for international students of the ISS RANEPA.

Before 29th May, please, register for the meeting and send us via attached form the topics and questions you find very important to answer during this session!

Depends on your questions we will invite representatives of the Dean's Office or programs' administrators to join this meeting.

The date and time will be announced later via your emails.

Registration is mandatory for all participants, the video will be saved and sent to everyone in 2-3 days after the Q&A session.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1OlTg0XKcr6b0pTgg-xJyfNRSAasRN3jEr-9Wv4FoKKg/editback to list